Barking up the wrong tree!
As i retrospect my life , i remember innumerate incidents when I’ve been knocking the wrong doors for help or made wrong choices.Time and time again, i’ve made futile efforts towards my goals or aspirations. Have failed en masse. And i admit this without embarrassment or guilt.Thus far , i realised often i had been barking up the wrong tree.
Wrong options, wrong preferences, wrong trust on wrong people… so on so forth. As they say “Bad choices make good stories” ; Similarly, these wrongs or bad’s proved to be critical factors or linchpins to my growth and development towards a person i am today. A matter to contemplate, to realise. How many of us pass through all this? Most of us i guess. Important is ; how many of us register? Do we get a fix of this – positively?
Doing something that wont yield the desired results is following a mistaken plan of action. We might be wrong or misguided.we are pursuing wrong path or thing which is a total waste of our energy of efforts majorly because our ideas or beliefs about something are incorrect.Well! Well! Now what?
Realisation here is the first victory. Its good to know, to feel we have been barking upon wrong tree and admitting to it.I personally feel its hard especially if its already public.However, Its definitely not a crime. Its a learning. Its an experience to grow.Essentially,its time to pull curtains over the past and draw out a rainbow plan towards future. Basically, taking the best of all ahead.It definitely doesnt mean sailing where the winds direct you. Just a matter to calibrate sails and moving forward at right pace with patience and perseverance towards the desired destination.I’ve learnt , i’ve realised , i’ve admitted, i’ve learnt and i’ve grown. So no more barking the wrong tree. Cross your boundaries, widen your horizons, be open to acceptance and surrender.You too are sure to reach the tree that is just the right tree for you. Forget barking and get going!
Image source : Google.