Honesty – an expensive gift!
Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people — Warren Buffet.
I believe every word he quotes becomes a gospel for business tribe, but this one truly appeals to the world at large.
One of the first and basic value taught to us in school days “Honesty is the best Policy”. Ideally it’s a virtue every individual should or does possess however, it metamorphoses eventually with changing times and situations. So how does it relate with our constant changing lives in present times? In today’s modern society, everyone is on a Marathon — trying to possess, to achieve. As Nike tag line says “Just Do It” …How? Doesn’t matter. What really matters are end results. We perennially delve in an illusionary world, chasing our desires. In this fast paced life, we are so indulged in material gains, to maintain social status meeting peer pressures of life. Moral-immoral is just a way, a process; of our journey towards our destination of feats. We tend to get so ignorant to our inner voice and succumb to any means or actions- fair or foul; focussing to succeed; as they say “by hook or crook”.
Now the question arises as How does this change manifest? Why does a person go astray?
I feel one of the reason could be fear of rejection. We, ever and anon freeze to face truth or reality. Another, this dodgy society or scenarios who play key role to de-motivate. It pulls one from the path of righteousness. Needless to say one prefers to be in ignorant bliss as opposed to confront hard facts (truth).
Well, Honesty is an expensive virtue everyone can’t afford. There is no shortcut to success, as we all know. Apparently that is much prevalent in our era. It’s a mass code. One is bound to loose inner satisfaction treading on shortcuts to materialistic goals hand in hand with perils of expectations. Then how do we face ourselves? Guilty? A matter to contemplate… isnt it?Actually there is no escape, come what may; Truth alone triumphs (again, taught in school days). The virtues of truthfulness, honesty and integrity are the pillars that hold human existence.
We may at times confuse ourselves of Honesty and Integrity being same. Let’s elaborate this too!
Honesty can be said as being sincere, truthful and deceit free. Integrity, as dictionary says- is a quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Further put, we can say it’s a strict adherence to moral and ethical codes even in difficult or inconvenient times. Thus if Honesty is thoughts or words, Integrity is behaviour or actions.
It surely pays in the long run, as for me it relates to The Law of Cause and effect. The theory of Karma (the do good be good factor). A catalyst to happiness and self-contentment. Gautama Buddha says “At the end of your life, only your karma will move forward. All other possessions will pass away with your body, and not even death can wipe out our good deeds and love that we spread in this world”. A person who deciphers this find ultimate peace. This “Ultimate Peace” should be the bench mark of our accomplishments.
The individuals blessed with such virtues are true heroes. It’s a privilege to honour and respect them as well as follow their footprints imprinted on the sands of life time with Joy and Tranquillity.
Pic courtsey: Pinterest/ Google.