I am just trying to think how can I think of what I want to think🧐🤔🙄
Many a times i have being told – you’re overthinking.In contrast i’ve heard this too “Do you even think?” I wonder at times , If i am not thinking, how can i overthink? Complicated !!!! isnt it?
To think can be termed as a physical process of our brain. Is it this simple? Thinking is what constitutes of thoughts, something we tell our self. Is it triggered automatically? Or by something – that spontaneously appears in our minds. Is it a manifestation so shallow or something deep? Like of your soul or your spirit ; or may be some other entity…. Ufff… lots to think!
Thinking can be spontaneous, random or a reaction to something in or around us ; also our past memories. It can get complex as we go deep and interact more with corresponding contents. It is also co-related to emotions in a multidirectional way.Thus it might create a reaction in our mind and body which co relates with our emotional state. There may be a complicated scientific explanation to this process but not going so far, importantly ; thoughts does matter.
Its kind of a chain reaction- one after another and one is in a whirlpool trying to find an escape… think and think and think… is overthinking. Apparently entering a portal of an illusive world which is our own creation. Thinking but of course, is a great thing. On the contrary, Overthinking can be a disorder, stagnancy ; rather a sign of self sabotage. It holds us back in many ways. Its a destructive habit. For instance : I can overthink a small problem to resolve or I can overanalyse and dissect it making a mountain out of a mole. The choice at times is not a choice though; one is Likely to get stuck or tangled.
“When you’ve had a life of overthinking, you have the same reaction time and time again. Shyness becomes habitual. When you’re put in an unfamiliar situation, all you want to do is retreat and hide by default. You watch but don’t participate. You listen but don’t respond. You read, but rarely comment. You take a photo, but you rarely post. You write, but you rarely publish. All of this is because your overthinking mind cannot stop thinking about how you will be perceived by the outside world.”
– Joel Annesley
Hang on! Here by, if thoughts are mere reactions then possibly, there has to be sanguine disposition to it. How can we control or change this? Thoughts certainly are not arising from vacuum. A way out is gaining new ideas and potentially putting them in use to change the pattern of thinking or overthinking. Mayhaps, This means if I want to start changing my thoughts, I need to be aware of the prompts to my thoughts and also the patterns of thoughts that I have in response to those promts.There can be more to it: Awareness, positivity, more actions,less inputs, realisation, no forcing, no fearing… the list of helps can go on for long.Think about it!
Notching up – “Don’t brood. Get on with living and loving. You don’t have forever.”
– Leo Buscaglia
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