Leave a Mark, not a scar!
Amid every front of life, we meet new people: be it social, professional or personal. Strangers who become bezzies and bezzies who turn aliens. Human relationships can be termed as “work in progress “; it’s an ongoing process.
“Some people come in our life as blessings and others come as lessons”- Anonymous.
Every person in course of our life — whether is or was — makes a sturdy impact; positively or negatively: but of course; for a reason. Amongst all these, some leave a mark whilst others leave a scar.
“We have three kind of friends in life: friends for reason, friends for season and friends for life”- Anonymous.
Our focus primarily is on the scars not on the marks. People who leave scars put down roots in our memories. We hold them responsible for our qualms. The behaviour pattern — in words or deeds at times ante up to wounds. Wounds that tardily eventuate to scars. Scars that are evocative reminders of unfortunate occurrences or experiences.
On the contrary, we encounter some of best people who are angels in propia persona. They are the ones to garner a special place in our hearts. They teach us, they prove to be a value addition in our life, they would not demand sacrifices, they are givers, they bring affirmative change towards our growth and betterment, they lift us up …. they simply care.
“In life we realize there is a purpose for every person you meet. Some are here to test you, some will use you, some will teach you and some will bring out best in you”- Anonymous.
Well! As we know, nothing lasts for ever. They might leave at certain point of time, and go for good leaving a mark. An eternal mark engraved in your heart and soul forever. Perhaps, they come in your life to edify you on how to let go. Be thankful that your paths crossed, continue to appreciate and smile about the memories you made together. Best marks are subtle yet obvious. They reflect in you.
Apart from mark and scar genus (positive and negative) there’s third and an imperative aspect (neutral) to this quote. Don’t chase people. People come and go, it’s about savvying who cares enough to stay. Not every is supposed to know how to correspond to your energy or vibes. So just be yourself. Do your own thing. The right people, who belong to you are bound to come and stay. The rest will vanish. Be cool with it. Not everyone you lose is a loss. Just let go. Letting go candidly means they could have been a part of journey or past but not your destiny. End of the day you have yourself and that is more than enough.
Hereupon, within our coterie, lets beaver away to leave a mark and not a scar. A mark that will make a life better and will answer the purpose; Not a scar that hurts or harms. Think of the scars which are enough to exhibit the wisdom you own today, albeit not portraying them as protagonist to your “yesterday’s tales”. Convey gratitude to all those who are or have been a part of your odyssey of life; leaving a beautiful mark. Reminisce about your comrades who held your hand on roads less travelled, that which makes you a wholesome person you are today.
There you go….adios.
Pic source: Hand-sketched By my amazing daughter: Yuti Shastri.