Money can’t buy class💸📯

3 min readJul 15, 2020


“It is your character and behaviour that determine your worth as a human being. Anyone with enough money can buy any expensive things they desire, but no one can buy a good personality traits like chivalry, decency , etiquettes, courtesy, manners, class …etc with money.”

If we look around we will realise that there are so many people in the world who don’t even have enough to eat each day, let alone luxuries. Moreover, having costly things does not make a person more worthy than those who don’t own expensive things.Alas! The fundamentals today have changed phenomenally.Money is god for most of us. The miscellany actually important, is left apart to rest in peace.

I’ve seen mercurial shifts in socio-economic status of people. Middle class to upper middle class and in a jiffy; flight to upper class. The journey between economy to buisness class is quite fleet footed in recent times. But the basics? Aahha… that’s the catch. It never changes. May one drive an expensive car or wear the best brands. But the inherent basic nature hardly shifts. Having substantial money might make you special or famous but hey! It might not act a deodorant to one’s stinking mind. Being a millionaire with a heart full of dirt and mind overpowered in selfishness making your worth penny less.Oft-times, I come across incidents when people behave in such a way only to tell the world that they have money and money creates class.ooh la la.. How I wish they could be shown a mirror! Well, just an overwhelming urge.

Anyone wearing branded clothes or clad in stunning accessories, even if sitting in a corner can attract attention to some extent but the moment a simply clad person starts talking things that make sense or displays affection on a specific ground…becomes the person with a real class. Money,clothes or accessories hold no germaneness if one does not have the right sought attitude. A long face in a tuxedo might resemble pride to suffice one’s ego, au contraire even a simple pair of linen shirt trousers may leave you awestruck.

Sudha Murthy aptly quotes “You may be rich enough to buy comfort and luxuries, but the same money doesn’t define class or give you the ability to purchase it. The concept that you automatically gain class by acquiring money is an outdated thought process.”

The right attitude matters. It is you mental auxiliary that makes you classy. If buying class was as easy as buying peanuts the apes would be extinct today.

One’s deeds defines one’s class.Money can decompose or perish, your attitudes or your deeds just cannot. It is a game changer. Even if your money as a bi-product loads you with envy, hatreds or vices, it is your good deeds or karma that will hold you back.It will help you stay put.The morals in life may pave the paths to classy destinations.And being classy my friend, is never out of fashion.

God forbid, even if your money leaves you, the right attitude or your good deeds will never let you rot in solitude. They’ll be your flag bearers of virtue in dire straits.They educe your “Class”.

Winking out, being classy is that pearl in its oyster, in the depths of ocean , which even the time and tides cannot bring it to its shallowness. One has to dive in a crescendo of right attitude and comity to wrest it.

Stay Classy👨‍🌾





Written by JankiShree

A writer, a poet, a translator/interpreter , a maverick, sharing my heart out , my expression in words.

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