When nothing goes right, go left!

3 min readMay 14, 2020


Quite funny and simple as it sounds, I really loved the depth this quote holds. By the way, who decides the right? My right can be your left and vice versa. Probably the things right for me could be wrong for you. Anyways; that’s another topic all together to discuss.

Hitherto, doing right over and over again, and no results. All efforts going in vain. Just giving and giving, still feels it’s never enough. We all pass through this time and again. There by, comes self-interrogation, and we strangely put down ourselves in the middle of nowhere and call it a dead end …. don’t we? The heart balm is you can actually discern, what holds you in place to your decisiveness or upshot of your desire. Just place your foot on the paddle……and Go Left!

A de Minimis change in course of your existence. A change apropos of your thoughts, words and actions. Simple awareness to where you are guided through your experiences. Just a little shift required. The mind-set or attitude shift. For instance, if you continually think “nothing ever goes right” you are calling forth more things that that won’t really work. A chain of events; one leads to another and another until our life itself becomes a complete disaster. This meagre effort to deviate might prove out to be a game changer to perceive an experience in a whole new way, creating more opportunities, and openings to new avenues. Again, one leading to another and another …. like the Snow ball effect; a pathway to new possibilities.

New Perspectives

New demeanour

New selections

Eventually a new “YOU”.

This novel adjustment in the sails of your lifeboat definitely directs you to new outcomes …no matter small or big. Of course, it surely demands flexibility, breaking your paradigms, mustering courage and dawning a thick skin. Above all, “believe in yourself” attitude.

Going Left gives every indication of going with the flow — no more resisting. Accepting how it is rather than forcing how it should be. Recognising your blessings in disguise, listening to your gut instincts and once a while even “Ask for Help”. Basically it’s a realization that sometimes we are incapable of doing something ourselves, and there should not be any hesitation to ask for help be it to people or divine or may be both. That’s it!

Fundamentally, “Going Left “is a comprehensive change. This may not happen overnight. We may feel dead of stagnation, of being inert, of boredom or out of long silence. It’s all a part of the process. Break the rules, Step outside your own patterns, feel stirred and spurred. This churning in the ocean of life ultimately gifts you with pearls of success, happiness and wisdom. Let’s call it a process of espials and emending, dropping baggage’s of disappointments and allowing yourself to start afresh.

So, are we ready to shift? it’s a journey between nothing to lose and what do we have to gain? Thus far it hasn’t worked going right …. right? hence, lets chuck the right pointing mile markers …..let’s turn left…!


Pic courtsey: Tony Evans-Tokyo/Google.




Written by JankiShree

A writer, a poet, a translator/interpreter , a maverick, sharing my heart out , my expression in words.

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