✏️ Broken pencil is pointless ✏️
Its pointless writing with a broken pencil, as similar to pouring from an empty cup. Pretty kiddish as it may sound, i dived in the unsaid depths of the said words.
I see the importance of being self sufficient here. The realisation of true self worth. A feeling of being self contained. ; which is inevitable in literal terms. If i am not packed to the gunwales, how will i deliver to others around me? If i am incomplete , how will i add value to other lives? If i am broken , how will i mend others? If i am not happy , how will i adorn smiles to the face of my beloved’s? Importantly I; myself will miss the essence of my being.
Being broken is not new. Its a part and parcel of life, an integral process we all pass through. We tend to be pointless in such overwhelmingly vulnerable moments.But is this a dead end? I don’t think so!
If you are self contained then you can very well opt for the things you want to and clearly dismiss the things you don’t. Its the attitude that matters.key role player’s are facts to:
- Know yourself
- Work on your self
- Love yourself
In this world of chaos, only self sufficient people stand out, the rest is mob who imitates or follows. Today ; with booming technologies and attractive theories every one wants to be self contained and stand out, but rare and few are those willing to take that leap of faith or walk an extra mile towards towards these accolades.Nonetheless ,such unique tribe too exists.
Amongst all others is “The broken pencil tribe”. Broken ; not destroyed.In parts , yet a piece remains.Enough to move on as they say “You are alive till you have hope, for ; the hope is eternal”. Pick up your piece, Sharpen it and there you go! Ready to write your saga of being truly yourself who is an infinite waterfall of giving in every real terms.